You can Support the Project in several ways
You can make a donation
Directly to us by bank transfer
Donate PayPal, debit bank card or credit card.
Support our Crowdfunding Campaign, due to launch about Nov 10th.
You can like and follow us on facebook @socialcircusmyanmar
You can share on social media – use the social media link options in the floating sidebar.
You can join our
Mailing List
Scroll down to the footer of the page for the Mailing List sign-up.
If you are a Performer/ Circus Tutor you could help us deliver the project in Myanmar
use our Contact form to get in contact
(If you have circus skills and some experience of working with kids and are visiting Yangon Nov – March we could use your help at workshops.
Join our Advisory Board
and help us develop the project and fund-raise. If you work in social circus or education, youth or development we need your help, advice, support, where ever you are in the world.
or use the Contact Form
Our annual delivery from November – March (during Myanmar’s Dry Season) costs at least $8000 each year. No international person involved gets paid any fee; we do pay our Myanmar colleagues. Each workshop delivery costs about $60. We aim to work with 150 – 180 children and young people each week and provide one-off events and activities as we get the chance. We’d love to work at refugee camps too, but we lack the money to do that at present, and we need to import more equipment to leave behind circus props. We deliver circus, play and theatre to disadvantaged children and young adults; we also work with children living with disabilities.